The existence of UPT Language UNTAD has a short history and a series of name changes in its role to support the promotion of human resources for students, teachers and educational staff, and the community in the field of language abilities and skills. Briefly, in 1985, this institution was established and built by the name of the University Language Center led by the Head of Languages, namely Drs. Hanafie H. Solomon, M.A. and Secretary, Drs. Nuhung B., MS, who was appointed by the Rector of the University Tadulako, Prof. Dr. Matulada with SK Rector. After that, came the idea and the idea that the Language Centres should be equipped with equipment and media that can support the development of abilities and English skills and language tests such as TOEFL. Selanjutknya, in the same year, university leaders suggested to the Head of the Language of correspondence to several embassies, such as Japan, New Zealand, UK, and USA, in order to provide assistance in line with the new establishment Tadulako University in Palu, Central Sulawesi Province , At the end of the same year, the Embassy Zealand embassy in Jakarta is the first to respond to a letter sent relief petition. The embassy then sent Secretary of the New Zealand Ambassador, Mrs. Peater Bergen, to visit the Central Office of Language UNTAD Earth Nyiur which is located in the Setiabudi Palu and he also visited the Campus Earth Tadulako Tondo.
After the ambassador’s secretary returned to Jakarta, leaders Tadulako joint Head of Languages ??held a meeting at the New Zealand embassy to discuss equipment / media Language Center to support learning English. It was agreed 40 units of equipment equipped with a headset and operating center. In 1986, the equipment began to be used for language learning. In 1987, Drs. Hanafie H. Solomon, M.A. appointed as Vice Dean III of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University Tadulako, so the Language Center is led by Drs. Josep Engel Bertus Ohoiwutun, M.A. SK Rector. At 1992, a change in the name of Balai Bahasa become Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) Field of Language Study by Circular of the Director General of Higher Education. At the time of his leadership, there are four secretaries, namely Drs. Nuhung B., MS., Drs. Mochtar Marhum, M.Ed., Drs. Sudarkam, MA., And Dra. Rofiqoh, M.Ed. Then, in 2002, the Field Unit Language Study, led by Drs. Abdul Kadir Mubarak, M.Pd., based SK Rector of the University Tadulako by Drs. Sahabuddin Mustapa, M.Sc. He stopped sebgai UPT head in 2007, because of continuing studies at the State University of Malang S3 In 2007, the Rector of the University reappoint Mr. Drs. Josep Engel Bertus Ohoiwutun, MA as Head of Unit Field Study of Language and Drs. Arid Muhammad as his secretary, by Rector Decree 2451 / H28 / KP / 2007, dated July 2, 2007. At the end of January 2012, the Field Unit for Language Studies changed its name to the University Language Center Tadulako (Language Centre-Tadulako University) by Rector Decree No. 854 / UN28 / KP / 2012, dated January 30, 2012 on the Amendment Nomenclature Unit Field Studies University English Language Center University Tadulako be Tadulako (Language Centre-Tadulako University). University Language Center Tadulako led by the Head of Languages, Mr. Budi, S.Pd., M.Pd., the Head of Sub Division of Administration and Finance, Mrs. Sarkiah, S.Pd., based SK Rector of the University Tadulako No. 855 / UN28 / KP / 2012, dated 30 January 2012. In December 2012, there was a change in the name of the University Language Center Tadulako (Language Centre-Tadulako University) into a Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) Language University based on the Regulation of the Minister of Education and The Cultural of the Republic of Indonesia Number 70 Year 2012 on the Organization and Work Procedure Tadulako. Later, Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) Language Tadulako led by the Head of Unit Language, Mr. Budi, S. Pd., M.Pd. the Head of Sub Division of Administration are Mother Sarkiah, S.Pd inaugurated on 27 December 2012 by Tadulako University Rector, Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohammad Basir, SE., MS., By decree of the Rector of the University of Tadulako No. 6319 / UN28 / KP / 2012 dated December 26, 2012. Subsequently, in February 2013, a change of the Head of Administration Sub-section Language Unit. Sarkia mother, S.Pd replaced by Mr. Saad Hasanuddin, S. Sos., By Decree No. 6319 Tadulako University Rector / UN28 / KP / 2012 dated December 26, 2012. In conclusion, in the brackets start time 1985 sd in 2013 (until now), occurs four times a change of name of this institution. The name change include Balai Bahasa Tadulako in 1985, the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) Field of Language Studies University Tadulako in 1992, the University Language Center Tadulako (Language Centre-Tadulako University) in 2012, and Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) Language Tadulako University in the same year, ie 2012 until now.
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