In 1999 has established a herbarium at the University Tadulako Palu Herbarium name Celebense (CEB) formerly known Herbarium Tadulako. In 2001, the Herbarium is developed through project support STORMA (Stability of Rain Forest Margin) a cooperative research project between four universities, namely the University of Göttingen and Kassel University (from Germany), as well as Tadulako University and Bogor Agricultural University of Indonesia. The establishment and development of this institution has been involved and the support of several experts systematic botany as: Prof. S. Robert Gradstein (Department of Systematic Botany, Göttingen, Germany), Dr. Paul J.A. Kessler (Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Universiteit Leiden, Nederlands), Dr. Johanis P. Mogea, LIPI-Indonesia), Prof. Dr. Edi Guhardja, M.Sc.

During development, CEB also cooperates with several herbarium both from within and outside the country, such as Herbarium Bogoriense (BO), Herbarium Biotrop (Biot), Herbarium Göttingen (GOET), National Herbarium of the Netherlands in Leiden (L), Herbarium Wanariset (WAN ), Andalas University Herbarium (YOU) and the National Herbarium of Australia in Canberra. This herbarium presence in Sulawesi region is very important to study and collect specimens of plants from all over Indonesia, especially flora Wallacea.

In 2002 Herbarium Celebense have been officially registered in the International Index of Herbariorum (New York) with the acronym CEB. At this time the CEB has been actively engaged in botanical collections and store more than 12,000 plant specimens that didatabasekan Sulawesi in Brahm SYSTEM. Among the collection there are also “Type Specimen” is the first one in the description of Sulawesi (new type). Most of the herbarium specimens consisting of higher plants (Spermatophyta) who belong to the dikotiledon such as trees and monocotyledonous (rattan, orchids, and grasses) and some are low-level vegetation consisting of ferns and mosses, artifacts and collections karpologi ethnobotany.

In early 2008, Herbarium Celebense (CEB) has become part of the Department of Biological Science Faculty UNTAD-Prodi as Ekotaksonomi Laboratory Plant located on-Prodi Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
On 21 November 2012 with regard to the stipulation of the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 70 of 2012 on the Organization and Administration of the University of Tadulako, established UPT Biological Resources Sulawesi Herbarium that houses Celebense (CEB), where it includes the preservation of the diversity of flora and fauna and conservation in Sulawesi.

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