Business Development Center (PPU) previously named unit Tadulako Business Center, established in 2009 in accordance with the Decree of the Rector of the University of Tadulako No. 127 / H28 / KP / 2009 on the appointment of the executor of activities on the unit Tadulako Business Centers in 2009. As well as the Rector of the University Tadulako Decree No. 83 / H28 / KP / 2009 on the appointment of the management unit of the Central Business Tadulako. Later in the year 2011 by the Decree of the Rector of the University of Tadulako No. 2815 / UN28 / KL / 2011, the Central Business Unit Tadulako turned into a Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) Business Centers Tadulako. Furthermore, based on the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 70 of 2012, on the Organization and Work Procedure Tadulako then (UPT) Business Centers Tadulako renamed Business Development Center (PPU) which was followed by Decision Tadulako University Rector in 2013 No. 549 / UN28 / KP / 2013 on the Appointment of Board Business Development Center
(PPU) Tadulako.
Business Development Center (PPU) Tadulako University was established with the purpose, namely:
Implement entrepreneurship development of the student as well as assessment of other aspects of entrepreneurship.
Establish cooperation with the government as well as private and state-owned enterprises in terms of entrepreneurship development, especially for youth and novice entrepreneurs.
Provide training and pendapingan for SMEs, both students and the community-owned SMEs.
Manage the assets of the non-academic Tadulako.
Based on the purpose of its formation, the Business Development Center is expected to:
Transferring knowledge to students of entrepreneurship and SMEs in the form of understanding, inspiration, and entrepreneurial mindset and business management skills.
Fostering students and SMEs to be able to find access to markets and technology, the way the formation of a business partnership network of its products and the results have been worth selling.
Fostering students and SMEs to be able to create a business plan that is required by the students to be better prepared to manage the business that is being or will be implemented.
Provide practical experience of entrepreneurship to students in a way to participate daily as an integral part of a small and medium enterprises.
Business Development Center (PPU) has been experienced in educating more than 1,000 prospective entrepreneurs and the SME and over 75% of participants are Young Entrepreneur starters, some of the programs we’ve done, namely:
Student Entrepreneurial Program Tadulako years 2009 – 2012 as many as 200 groups with a membership of more than 500 mahaiswa
Independent Young Entrepreneur Palu about 50 participants
Companion Entrepreneurship Student Creativity Program with participants of more than 50 participants in 2011-2012
Program management team comprised of experts from various disciplines with an interest in the business community and experts in the field of consultancy and is a member institution that has a portfolio of business consulting in assisting SMEs through business consulting program. Qualification expertise of implementing the program are as follows:
Harifuddin Tahir, SE., MP.
Lecturer Faculty of Economics UNTAD Management Department, has a portfolio of student entrepreneurship as a builder from 2002 until now. TOT had attended entrepreneurship organized by the Higher Education in 2003. In 2009 received awards and was appointed as Director of the business unit at the University Tadulako Sentra. Various academic activities undertaken by linking the campus to entrepreneurship, particularly through mentoring activities to students UNTAD. In addition, never followed the entrepreneurship of Ciputra Foundation TOT held in 2009 in Makassar. In 2010, following the Entrepreneurship Module TOT KWU program organized by Higher Education.
Basri, ST., MT.
Business companion in UNTAD PALU, has a portfolio as a builder Student Entrepreneurial Program from 2009 to the present. Every year about 10 groups of students to foster entrepreneurship from various courses at the University Tadulako. Has experienced coaching and monitoring activities 100 SMEs in food,
services, overhaul and others.
Lecturer in Economics and Accounting courses Tadulako who are interested in research activities based SMEs. As a form of concern for the growth of an entrepreneurial seed of the campus, also train students to follow the Student Creativity Program entrepreneurship from the year 2012 up to now. Also has portfolios as advisors Student Entrepreneurial Program from 2012 to the present.
In realizing the PPU goal is to carry out the development of the entrepreneurial spirit of students as well as the assessment of other aspects of entrepreneurship, the Business Development Center has always sought a partner to stakeholders involved both universities, enterprises, companies, entrepreneurs, industry and government agencies.
Business Development Center also plays an active role in assisting the development of entrepreneurship at other universities and local government Palu.