Postgraduate Program Welcomes New Students of the 2022/2023 Academic Year

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To establish a relationship between Universitas Tadulako and students of the 2022/2023 academic year, Postgraduate Untad on Saturday (27/08/2022) held an academic gathering with the theme “Increasing Innovation & Creativity through Adaptive Attitudes in the Era of Disruption” which was attended by 747 students of Masters and Doctoral Study Programs (5 doctoral study programs and 16 master study programs), this event located at Sriti Convention Hall Palu.

In his speech, Dr. Ir. Adam Malik, M.Si as the Director of Postgraduate Untad said that today’s theme correlates with the demands of the times for Untad postgraduate students.

“This theme is very relevant to our current era considering that human have had a different lifestyle when compared to the past.  The era of disruption is not a step-by-step change, but a very dynamic, fast and difficult to predict (disruption) change. So University must be able to produce human resources who can be adaptive in this era of change. I, as the representative of Untad Postgraduate, thank to our Speakers , Prof. Dr. Ir. Muh Basir Chiyo and the Dean of the Graduate School of Hasanuddin University, Prof. dr. Budu, M.Med., SpM (K).,PhD who will provide material on today’s opportunity.” said Dr. Adam.

At the same time, Prof. Dr. Ir. Mahfudz, MP as the Rector of Universitas Tadulako appreciated the Postgraduate Program which has accepted 747 students which are divided into 5 Doctoral Study Programs and 16 Masters Study Programs at the Untad Postgraduate Study Program. “On this occasion, I would like to appreciate the Postgraduate Untad that the number of our students this year is 747 Masters and Doctoral students. I hope in the future, our postgraduate students can produce innovations that can have implications for institutions and the public. I believe that our students who have been selected this year are ready to face changes in the era of disruption.” said Prof. Mahfudz. A A