Talking about the history of the University Library Upt Tadulako, of course, is inseparable from the history of the University Tadulako as their parent institutions. In other words, the embryo Tadulako is the result of a merger between the University of Filial Tadulako Hasanuddin University (UNHAS) with the Institute of Teacher Training and Education (Teachers ‘Training College) Branch Palu class sebaga away from Ujung Pandang Teachers’ Training College.

Tadulako as a filial of Unhas has had its own library, as well as classes Teachers ‘Training College Palu branch away from the Teachers’ Training College Ujung Pandang. The existence of the library when it was still very limited, both in terms of collection, management and services and the availability of human resources as managers.

Based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 36 of 1981 Date August 14, 1981, established the State University in Central Sulawesi named Tadulako University, and Prof. Dr. H.A Mattulada as the first rector.

At its inception in 1981, UNTAD has had five (5) faculties, namely: Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (Guidance and Counseling), Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences and Faculty of Economics. In addition to the five faculties, UNTAD also has two halls (which now changed its status to the institution), namely: (1) Center for Research and (2) Center for Community Service, and technical implementation units (UPT), one of which is UPT library.

Thus Upt UNTAD Library was officially established on August 14, 1981 together with the establishment Tadulako as State University in Central Sulawesi by Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 36 of 1981 Date August 14, 1981, and Dra. Nintje Borman was appointed as the head of the first Upt UNTAD Library, which occupy tenure from 1983 – 1990. Head of Library Upt next UNTAD respectively are Drs. H. Moh. Asri Hente, MS (1990 – 1994), Hj. Ucu Windariyati, SH (1994 – 1997), Dra. Hj. Indokote Tandjokara, M.Si (1997 – 1999), Mas Ida Ains, SS, MLIS (1999 – 2002), Drs. Mohtar Ladjidji (2002 – 2010), and Drs. I Gede Surata, M.Si (2010 -).

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