“The Official Inauguration of France Cultural Center (Warung Prancis)”
International Office had organized an event in order to build a cooperative relationship between Tadulako University (UNTAD) and the Institut Francais Indonesia (IFI), in the official inauguration of France Cultural Centre (Warung Prancis) in Tadulako University. This activity was held on Thursday, May 7th 2015, attended by Mr. Antoine Devoucoux du Buysson and Mrs. Mazayannisa from Institut Francais Indonesia (IFI).Onthe same day, IFI also held socialization about Warung Prancis, IFI, culture, language, scholarships to continue study in France, as well as about living in France especially for international students and for people in France in general.
Socialization was attended by students from several faculties, senior high school’s teachers and also the lectures of Tadulako University who were France alumni. Students were very excited to listen the information that given by Mrs. Maya , especially about how to study in France. Many questions were pointed out by the students during the socialization. Hopefully in the future Warung Prancis of Tadulako University could facilitate students, lectures, even all people in Palu city to get more information about France.