Faculty of Animal Husbandry & Fisheries – Tadulako University Held 9th Dies Natalis

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Taking place at Faculty of Animal Husbandry & Fisheries – Tadulako University, 9th Dies Natalis commemoration on Monday (24/01/2022) Morning was held. The theme brought up on the dies natalies moment was “Turned the Faculty of Animal Husbandry & Fisheries – Tadulako University become a center of innovation to support Central Sulawesi as an ‘Protein Barn’ Nationally” which was also attended by the Rector, The Dean and civitas academica in Faculty of Animal Husbandry & Fisheries Untad.

In his report as a chairman, Aswad Eka Putra, S.Pi. M.Si, in his speech, explained about the detail of the event.

“ We took the theme on this 9th Dies Natalis event because since our location is near the future capital city of Indonesia, we should take advantage of this great prospect and our faculty will be able to innovate and contribute to it in the future. Besides, the whole event also adapts to pandemic issues like covid 19 protocol such as Fapetkan Race, some edu contests and family gathering.” Said Aswad Eka.

At the same moment, Dr. Ir. Rusdin, MP as Dean of Faculty of Animal Husbandry & Fisheries said the faculty will advance their performa although this faculty is one of the newest in Tadulako University.

“ On the journey of this faculty, we always advance and try to develop. Starting the collaboration with Poso regency in Central Sulawesi about developing the quality of ox husbandry and also the MBKM ((Independent Learning Independent Campus) apprenticeship program to our students months ago.” Said Dr. Rusdin.

At another moment, Prof. Dr. Ir. Mahfudz, Mp as the rector, in his speech appreciated the achievement of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry & Fisheries as an independent faculty since nine years ago.

“As a new faculty which held the 9th Dies Natalis this year, I have seen the best effort and achievement so far. I would like to highly appreciate and proud with all the achievement of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry & Fisheries.” Said Prof. Mahfudz.

The main event of 9th Dies Natalies Faculty of Animal Husbandry & Fisheries Event will be held on the next Saturday (29/01/2022). AA