Institutions Community Service Tadulako established simultaneously with the establishment of the University Tadulako after regardless of status branch of the University of Hasanuddin (UNHAS) and the Institute of Teacher Training and Education (Teachers’ Training College) Makassar on August 14, 1981 by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 36 of 1981 On the Establishment of the University Tadulako
Vision and mission
Vision and Mission Institute of the University Community Service Tadulako refer and support the vision of the University as their parent institutions. Tadulako vision is: “Tadulako University in 2020 to become an institution that excel in community service through the development of research-based science and technology. Based on the university’s vision, the vision of organizations devoted Tadulako is: “make Institution Community Service as a reliable institution in realizing dedication to the community through the development of integrated research”. Based on this vision, the mission of organizations devoted Tadulako is: “Implement community service-based research and development in an integrated manner to deliver human resources with broad scientific insight, competitive, dedicated, independent, and professional”.
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